Thread: Hey Big Spender
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Old 06-27-2011, 11:57 AM
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Rob Miller
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Originally Posted by mdschulze View Post
Why do most people on here get their damn feelings hurt so easily????? Are we really so insecure and thin-skinned that we honestly give a damn what someone else in cyberspace thinks and says? Feel free to call me names, insult my lack of intelligence, wish death upon me and my loved ones, talk about what went on with my mother last night, make personal comments about whatever you want.... it just doesn't matter in my world. Besides, there's not one thing anyone on the internet can say to me that hasn't already been said to me in person by my ex-wife.

I, for one, enjoy reading Bruce's posts (and I don't know him personally so I'm not biased). This guy obviously has a vast knowledge of cards and he really brings some interesting threads to Net54 that typically incite good conversation. Also, @ Wonka, please don't stop posting scans of your cards and by all means please don't refrain from sharing info... I've learned a great deal from your posts in the past.

Bottom line, words are just words. If no one is stalking anyone and trying to cause physical harm, then it's really no big deal. We all need to learn a little humility and be able to laugh at ourselves and quit stressing out over the trivial name calling. Besides, it will make Leon's life a lot easier as well.

-Mike Schulze
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