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Old 07-31-2011, 02:08 PM
t206hof t206hof is online now
Den.nis Mos.ley
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 434
Default Frustrated With E-Bay

I'm sorry to vent on here but I have recenly been selling some T206's on e-bay. After all the auctions ended I had 2 people wait almost 10 days to pay me, after numerous attempts to get them to pay me myself to no avail, I had e-bay rattle ther cage, they finally both paid and were sent the cards. One of them recieves the cards and I assume everthing is ok until I go in and check my feeback and I was left a negative and a neutral by the same person whom I had to practicaly beg to pay me (This person had bought 2 items totaling $50). I am beside myself as I did nothing wrong and E-bay protects these people. Buyers cannot even respond to negatitive feedback as far as I know, and god forbid you try to even leave them a neutral feedback. E-bay is becoming a bad joke and I don't know if I am unlucky or what but I seem to always encounter these few bad apples. I try to give all people the benefit of the doudt but this is very frustrating. Again sorry for lashing out but I needed to get this off my chest. Fell free to comment on your experiences along these lines. Thanks. Dennis.
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