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Old 08-18-2011, 12:58 PM
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Rob G.
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 2,038

i agree he inherited a problem and i agree he is not solving the problem.

something is wrong when we bail out the rich for making bad business decisions.
something is wrong when gov't is so big that decisions can't be made quickly nor efficiently nor correctly.
something is wrong when "the american way" has become an ideal of not working and letting the gov't provide for you.
something is wrong when we stick our noses into other countries business trying to overthrow their ideas of gov't with ours.
something is wrong with consistently fighting these decade-long wars.
something is wrong when big US corporations would rather outsource than keep money in the US.
something is wrong when we discover we've reached the max on our credit card and the solution is to just increase it and come up with a 10 year plan to eventually maybe think about perhaps sorta coming close to a balanced budget maybe if things work out the way we plan if we want to.
something is wrong when i open a box of caramel candy and don't get a fresh 1910 E98 on top!!!!

okay, maybe the last one has nothing to do with politics but you catch my drift
i don't know enough about every single thing going on in politics, but i know there is enough going wrong that its pretty freakin obvious that people in Washington DC want to play politics instead of doing what is best for the country. They are worried about donkey vs elephant. Instead of making good rational decisions they stick to their party lines. It is hurting us and will hurt even more if changes aren't made.
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