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Old 08-25-2011, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by 4815162342 View Post
I don't think I would let Alex Jones sway my voting decisions.
I know what you're saying, and I would never let one person sway my voting decisions. I am not a fan of his style (fear to get his point across) but if you think about it it's not much different than the way the corporate media tries to keep the world in fear.........but at least Jones covers topics that you will never get from your favorite cable news station- some of the topics should be very important to this country.

My choice not to vote for Perry was not just based on this movie, I was very disturbed by the fact that he was willing to force HPV vaccinations on school girls age 11-12, unless parents "opted out". I know he is now admitting his stance on this was a mistake, and I appreciate that, but it's the same old same old- large pharma company (Merck) stands to make billions off of a new drug & all of a sudden a politician is talking about "forced vaccinations".......and Merck's lobbyists doubled up their efforts in the state of Texas at the time. Money buying policy. When does the corruption end?

Anyhow- everyone is entitled to their own choices and opinions. As far as Jones, it's more about the message than the messenger. Interesting thing about that movie is that it came out a couple of years ago? hhmmmm....
Sincerely, Clayton
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