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Old 09-27-2011, 05:35 AM
bh3443 bh3443 is offline
Bill Hedin
Join Date: May 2009
Location: framingham,mass
Posts: 860
Default I agree but.......

Originally Posted by Dalkiel View Post
I'm not sure if anyone remembers or not, but Roger Hooper, who was charged with 5 different counts that involved resealing wax packs, dipping coins, and selling forged signatures finally had his trial and it concluded last night. A five-day trial that ended at around 12:15 AM this morning when the jury found him guilt on 4 of the 5 charges including a felony 1 charge, which I believe carries mandatory jail time and a $100,000 fine.

Don't forget your soap-on-a-rope Roger.
Hi David,
I am glad justice prevailed. The most important part of this is restitution.
I am just sad to read the soap comment. There is nothing comical about rape.
Soap on a rope implies forced sex followed by humiliation that leads to suicide or murder with the rope.
I hope restitution gets made, and that he sees the error of his ways while avoiding fights, rape and torture.
Have a great week and enjoy our hobby.
Bill Hedin
PS: Gun charges, too? The use of CI's (snitches) makes me want to throw up!

Last edited by bh3443; 09-27-2011 at 05:46 AM. Reason: add text
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