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Old 09-27-2011, 10:44 AM
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And.rew Whi.te
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Originally Posted by bh3443 View Post
Hi David,
I am glad justice prevailed. The most important part of this is restitution.
I am just sad to read the soap comment. There is nothing comical about rape.
Soap on a rope implies forced sex followed by humiliation that leads to suicide or murder with the rope.
I hope restitution gets made, and that he sees the error of his ways while avoiding fights, rape and torture.
Have a great week and enjoy our hobby.
Bill Hedin
PS: Gun charges, too? The use of CI's (snitches) makes me want to throw up!
Bill, Let me just say that I have nothing but respect for you due to what I have seen on these boards. BUT....(You knew this was coming I am sure)..the use of confidential informants makes you want to yak but a man dealing in illegal guns doesnt? Seriously...where do you think that pistol in the story was going to end up? In a collectors hands or in a criminals hands? I would rather have a CI snitching on scum like this guy than allowing that handgun to take an innocent life. The fact that this activity was happening should make your stomach churn and not the fact a informant was used to bring a turd to justice!

OK I am off of my soapbox...carry on....nothing more to see here.....keep moving people....

I am signing my name just so there is no confusion as to the author of this post

Andrew White
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