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Old 10-20-2011, 01:51 PM
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Rob G.
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 2,038

I must admit, at 8 yrs old I don't have any memories of the '86 World Series live. But of course watching the replays over and over it seems like I remember haha.

My earliest World Series memory is 1988. Oakland was a fun team to watch even though I was a Yankees fan, so I was rooting for them. So I had a bet with a friend. We each started plucking a half dozen baseball cards from the other's collection and placing them into an envelope, and the winner of game 1 would win the contents of the envelope. I took the A's and he took the Dodgers. I distinctly remember the A's have a 1-run lead in the 9th with Eck on the mound, and I got out my card album and began to transfer the cards from the envelope into my album. One out! muaaahaha. Two outs! muaahaha. Somewhere in between a runner had gotten on base, but no doubt thats all that Eck would give up. And now they are bringing out 98 year old Kirk Gibson! YES! Surely the A's would win! I think Eckersly even got 2 strikes on him. Then of course he hit the HR and I couldn't believe what had happened. My friend had a big $hit-eatin grin on his face and I had to pull the cards from my album and hand them over. I think I lost an '85 Donruss Puckett, '87 Donruss Canseco, and a few other cards that meant a lot to me at the time. DOH! So I didn't bet any more the rest of the series and of course the A's win the next 4 in a row.

I wasn't born yet for the Kennedy assassination, but as far as dramatic "world" events, probably the 9/11/01 attacks are most memorable for me. I was already at my new full-time job and news hit that a plane hit a building in NYC. Most figured it was an accident, a handful of people died, and work would continue as usual. But then a 2nd plane hit and we found out it was the WTC and it was intentional. Many people left work, the rest of us tried to find out what was happening online but the internet was so bogged down w/traffic that it was almost impossible to read a news report. So we tuned in to radios to get the latest and then went home and watched the tv reports.
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