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Old 10-20-2011, 07:42 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2,223

I meant that if you are determined to send it in to someone and no one could talk you out of it, then make sure you find out if it is real and that is the number one goal rather than what the cert can get for you.

It is absolutely amazing what one can read all over the internet regarding certs and the reasoning people have to send the item in to one company over another company or over a competent individual or seasoned dealer.

I have seen a dozen reasons , with not one involving whether or not the person was interested in getting the most accurate opinion on whether the autograph is in fact genuine. Other factors people mentioned were.

How much can the cert get me for resale value.
which cert is the most accepted in the hobby.
Does ebay like the cert
which company is the most well known.
which fee is the cheapest or most expensive
which one shakes my hand and hands out christmas calendars (joking, but not too far off)

it used to amaze me that these reasons would come first over trying to find out if the autograph is real, but collectors in all shapes, sizes and iq levels.

some of them are buying the cert, not the item. the cert is what is worth the money, and even if the prevailing company made a mistake, the autograph is still worth a mint, because the cert says so, and these collectors don't care if the autograph is bogus.

conversely, some collectors get an autograph wrongly knocked down by a large company, and even though the autograph can be proven to be legit, they don't want it if they cant get a cert for it. its worthless to them even though it is real. They want the cert and they are going to go through hell and high water to get that cert, or the good autograph can go in trash bin, that's all that matters to them.

Some day autographs will be like gold, not changing hands, just certs changing hands saying that it is out there somewhere, and it is authentic.

The autograph doesnt have to be real, just authentic.

Travis Roste

Last edited by travrosty; 10-20-2011 at 07:44 PM.
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