Thread: A New Service
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Old 10-22-2011, 12:05 PM
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David Atkatz David Atkatz is offline
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Default A New Service

There is currently a discussion proceeding in this forum, regarding the authenticity--or lack thereof--of a Ty Cobb signature. During that discussion, a few board members bemoaned the fact that there is no way, other than PSA's "Quick Opinion," to obtain an educated opinion of an autograph before deciding whether or not to purchase.

Many of you know me... I've been collecting vintage material--both baseball and historical--since 1961. I've always been happy to provide my opinion (a very educated opinion, but an opinion, nonetheless) gratis--either here on the board or privately. But, I recently retired (nobody told me not to quit my day job!), and I could use a few extra bucks.

So... for a PayPal charge of $7.50, I'll provide a "quick opinion." If I don't feel qualified to judge a particular piece, I'll let you know that, too, upfront.

No CoAs, no bullshit paper. I'll let you know whether or not I think it's good.

You take it from there.
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