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Old 10-22-2011, 04:59 PM
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Jeffrey Lichtman
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 5,577

People can do what they want with what they buy obviously. My problem is when someone begs you for a low price on a card because of his great love for the card -- and then days later has it up on BST at a much higher price. That has happened on here to me. Second, the guys that buy stuff from a known auction house and then days later have it up on BST for double the price -- it's just unethical to some degree. We try to watch out for one another on here -- or at least I hope that we would. Don't be so quick to try to rip off someone here. Memories are long and if you try to screw someone once you may find the next time he has a card to sell you you're going to get scalped.
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