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Old 11-21-2011, 03:44 PM
whiteymet whiteymet is offline
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Originally Posted by smtjoy View Post
Interesting thread.

I am not the person mentioned in this trade as I do not have a Sauer but I have a number of 1955 Exhibit PC back cards in my collection and Fred has made a number of trade offers to me in the past.

I find Fred to be a nice fellow who is very passionate about this set and very persistent about completing it. That said I have never done a trade as I have never felt compelled by any offer he has made to me. I have no interest in trading any of the ones I have for one or two cards of the same type, if you want a card I have and you do not have anything I really want then unless your offer wows me then I will just keep the cards I have that I am happy with. The last offer you sent to me was the first time that it had been a card I really want (39 Klein) but it had a pin hole in it, had the card not had this I would have been full speed ahead on working out a trade.

I wish Fred good luck with his collection but I also think just because you think a trade is fair does not mean the other person sees it that way.
Hi Scott:

Yep, we have done business in the past, and hope to do more in the future. Always enjoyed our communications.

However your last sentence above has nothing to do with my original question which was:

So, my question after all this is, if someone is working on a set that you have only one card from, that is a common, would you help out the other guy and trade the card for another from the same set? Forget the HOFer vs common, just the basic idea.

I did respond to his reply and say that I think a fairer deal would be....but nowhere did I say he should see it my way. In fact I thought I covered that in the beginning where I said everyone can do with their collection what they want to do with it.

The other point I would bring up, in most trades it is not quite so B&W as was the case here. If we were trading cards from two different sets, or different conditions, or graded vs. ungraded etc. I would not have brought the topic up. It was the fact that he had only one card from the set, I was offering another card in the set, a HOF which I think we all agree would have more "value", for his card. Which got me to the "do you help the other guy" question.

I am heartened to see that the majority of folks here seem to have answered in the affirmative.

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