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Old 12-11-2011, 05:54 PM
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batsballsbases batsballsbases is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: From Ct+ NY now retired in North Carolina
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Default traced over and sad!

Sad but true story for you Richard,
I was at a good friend of mines card store about 3 weeks ago. A woman walks in and wants 3 U.V. baseball cubes . She asks my friend if he has them and he says yes. He asks her what are the sigs on the balls and she said her grandfather had given her 10 -15 baseballs . She had 3 with her in the car and brought them in the shop. All single sigs Cobb, Ruth , Gehrig. were the 3.
They all looked good to me ,on the right balls and correct for the time but they looked funny. I asked her if she had these for a long time and she said yes,I asked her who were on the other balls and she said she couldnt remember but would bring them in for us to look at. I asked her what made her want the U.V. ball cubes ,she said to me that she had them in a room where the light was always on the balls and she was tired of tracing over the sigs as they faded away!! I didnt have the heart to tell her what she had done and said I would love to see the others if she wanted to bring them in. A true story!
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