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Old 01-17-2012, 12:55 PM
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Tom S. Tom S. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Posts: 876
Default My hard lesson learned today

A few days ago, I had purchased a raw W514 Schalk card on eBay that I was going to get graded for my White Sox type set.

The bubble mailer arrived today, and I cut open the top 1/4" of the envelope to retrieve the card (like I have done a hundred times before with no issues). Unfortunately this time, the result was less than desirable...


The card was just packed in a top loader, and had obviously slipped out during shipping. It would have been nice if the seller had sandwiched the card between some cardboard...I would have been happy if he had even put a piece of tape over the opening of the top loader to keep the card from moving.

I'm more pissed at myself for doing this than with the seller's poor packaging.

From now on, I will be sure to use a different method whenever I open another bubble mailer.

Anyone else have any similar stories that they would care to share (so I don't feel like a total schmuck)...
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