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Old 01-21-2012, 11:28 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,117

Originally Posted by travrosty View Post
chuck tapia keeps making it personal, calling out my name, i dont call out his, and mention him unless it is a response. He has dogged me on three separate sites now, and I have not started the confrontation with him, but he has pursued it. somehow he needs my validation of his issue to be able to go on with his life. He needs me. I don't need him. If he doesn't believe in what i believe in, i don't care. its no big deal to me, but evidently i have to believe in his crusade first and foremost, above all else, ahead of my first born or else the earth will stop rotating.
dude, I'm a collector and I denounce forgeries PERIOD. I NEVER had a bone to pick with you and I stand by my comments. I have NEVER dodged anyone anytime or anywhere.... "On 3 separate occasions"... please now your'e making me laugh. I have never spoke bad about you. I do not have an agenda like you do. for the record. I don't need your validation for anything. This is a blog dummy.

If you need to hate on me go ahead, I'm a friggen collector and I really could give a rats ass about all this "he said, she said" crap so knock it off already. You are just showing people how narrow minded you are. I even agree with you more times than not. You apparently can't get a lot of things though your thick skull....and for sake of verification, why don't you add your name to your monniker here like everyone else does. I could care less who knows me or my name just like you do, so just stop the non sense spewing already. No wonder you've been kicked off of other blogs.

Last edited by Fuddjcal; 01-21-2012 at 12:28 PM.
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