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Old 01-26-2012, 04:39 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
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It never ends.

to clarify, they might have another representative on the other end witnessing the signatures, but to have only the receipt as proof that you had something signed, might as well not even have the other guy watch the signing, as the visual chain of custody has been broken, and the item or receipt could have been switched, or tampered with in the meantime.

Even if they initialed a receipt or whatever, it may be a fact that a rep witnessed AN item, and the guy stickering stickered AN item, but for PSA to say that the stickered items mean that THE item has been witnessed is not right, because for witnessing to occur, the guy putting on the sticker has to be the guy who saw the signing.

Anything else, no matter what safeguards they put in place, is whatever they want to call it but it is not witnessing.

Think of a notary public stamping something, saying they saw a guy signing, when all they did is look at a receipt that says ANOTHER guy saw him sign something, and taking the receipt at the same face value as actually WITNESSING the guy signing. Not the same, so it should not be advertised as witnessing.

Last edited by travrosty; 01-26-2012 at 04:40 PM.
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