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Old 02-04-2012, 10:38 AM
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Default Value in VCP showing raw card sales?

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on this topic. Perhaps it will become a nice suggestion to VCP. So here goes with my thoughts on this.

I personally would find it valuable if VCP found a way to show recent sales of raw cards and not just graded. I understand the difficulties that presents and there will be many who won't see value but here's my logic. And for any VCP people on the board, I would pay more for this additional data.

1) I buy many raw cards and the pricing data on graded is a point of reference but is apples to oranges and of limited value.
2) When I buy any graded card (like most), I buy the card not the grade, so in effect when I look at VCP, the information like the scan is critical - in many ways as important or more important than the numerical grade from TPG.
3) In a recent thread the majority of posters felt SMR, Becketts, Standard Catalog and any other source were of limited value in helping a buyer/seller in determining market value.
4) The information is available (ebay etc) but there is a void as far as assembling it. I personally don't want to watch every acution of a particular card to establish market value.
5) In the end it's just data and up to the user to do the analysis and determine it's validity - this wouild go for raw or graded.

If VCP showed the raw card sales in a separate section from graded and catogorized the sales based on the grade provided by the seller in the desription and included - similar to as they show for graded:

1) sale date
2) price
3) picture/scan
4) link to ausction

This information would be valuable to me when looking to purchase. I understand most sellers incorrectly or overgrade cards when selling but TPG make mistakes too and in the end it's up to me to analyze what data I have when making any purchase. So I guess what it boils down to for me is; if I have the information I can at least decide what to do with it but I'd love to have the information. The more I have the better prepared I will be to make a sound decision.

Sorry if the post seems rambling or if this is a re-tread of any earlier posts, I could not find one in the archives. I also thought this could be a poll, but the reasons why you all will answer the way you do are as interesting to me as the answer itself.

Happy collecting!
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