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Old 02-16-2012, 02:21 PM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Originally Posted by mschwade View Post
OK.. Pulled the ball out and studied it more at lunch. It appears that the balls were made specifically for a private party that he had in Cooperstown during the Hall of Fame weekend. Still cool though! So happy that he gave it to me!
I have several scarce items like this from Nolan Ryan's HOF Induction in 1999, but no ball like you're describing. I don't believe that they had such an item in 1999, FWIW.

Some interesting items to note that I did manage to get at the 1999 Induction are:

1) A Texas Rangers Nolan Ryan brunch ticket (spectacular in graphcs and color) that were given to close friends of the Ryan's

2) A special golf ball with the 1999 HOF Induction logo including Ryan, Brett, Yount and Cepeda. A sleeve of these were given to each of the HOF'ers that played in the HOF golf event at The Leatherstocking GC in Cooperstown. I was fortunate to get invited to play in the event in a foursome in front of Larry and Robin Yount. I had a chance to chat with Robin Yount and also get my photo taken with him after we finished up at 18. He was awesome!! BTW, Robin Yount is quite a golfer. Did anyone ever know that he almost quit golf to attempt to play on the PGA Tour?

3) I also have Nolan Ryan's golf bag tag from this golf event. It was a gift directly from Ryan. Pretty cool!!

Last edited by Scott Garner; 02-16-2012 at 02:22 PM.
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