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Old 03-03-2012, 02:06 PM
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Default tickets

Originally Posted by thecatspajamas View Post
One big difference between the trophy lot scenario you're presenting and these ticket books is that you wouldn't have to break the trophies into pieces to sell them separately. The idea that breaking something up so that more collectors can get a piece of the action may make sense monetarily, but I think it's rarely "good for the hobby." I'm not talking about breaking up a card set or piecing out a trophy or pin or whatever else collection of individual items. I'm referring more to the cutting up an uncut card sheet, opening an old pack of cards, removing something from a blister pack, chopping up a jersey/bat/ball, etc. Actions that cannot be undone.

With the case of this ticket book, you can argue whether it makes sense monetarily, or whether it really matters because the tickets were intended to be removed anyway, or how many more people get to enjoy the tickets now that they are not bound in their original booklet. What you cannot do, however, is return them to their original state. You can reassemble a collection of anything, but this is one collectible that cannot be put back together.

Would I have done the same thing if I were in the owner's shoes? I honestly can't say for sure one way or the other, and I'm sure personal finances would weigh heavily on that decision. Being a collector at heart though, making that decision to break up the book would sadden me, even if it did make the most monetary sense.
Sorry but this hasnt been a hobby now for over 20 years. If there is money to be made somewhere somehow it will be done. Fake cards,autographs,jerseys,you name it. At least this isnt an attempt at that. It from my stand point yes a way to make money. (still yet to be proven) Have to sell them first. But an honest attempt. Still has one full book that Alex says isnt going to be broken up,so it still can be seen if an intact booklet is more valuabe than the broken up booklet. Either way good for collectors and good for them being found and put back in circulation.
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