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Old 03-04-2012, 11:28 AM
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Default Vintage Baseball Card and Player Trivia

Don't know whether this has been tried before or not. If not, I think it could be an interesting thread.

Simple Rules:

1. Ask a trivia question related to Vintage Baseball Card collecting, pertaining to a card, a set or a player. No strict restrictions as to content, as long as it complies with the guidelines for this Board. (Vintage Board Compliance Rule)

2. Do not answer the question. If someone answers your question incorrectly, you may provide a hint, but are not obligated to do so unless there are more than three incorrect answers. (All Questions Must Have An Answer Ultimately Rule)

3. You may answer a previously posted question, if you know the answer (Quoting the original question will help). If you answer a question, you should also be prepared to ask another question (Thread Survival Rule)

4. You may also ask another question at any time. (Second Thread Survival Rule)

5. If the correct answer to your question is posted, please acknowledge that it is the correct answer. (Trivial Verification Rule)

6. Any disputes regarding the correct answer to a question will be settled in the Net54 parking lot after hours. (Dispute Resolution Rule)

7. Unanswered questions may get buried in this thread. If you asked a question that goes unanswered, please repost the question indicating it as a "Second Chance" (similar to bumping an unsold item on the BST board). (Corollary to the All Questions Must Have An Answer Ultimately Rule)

If this works, the Net54 community will all share the trivial knowledge and nuances that our hobby provides.

I'll start off with a sample question.

A high percentage of nineteenth century ball players sported mustaches. By 1909 they were no longer in style. Name all the T206 players with a mustache.

Not too difficult to get this started. I'm sure there are plenty of tougher questions out there. Have fun.

Last edited by frankbmd; 03-06-2012 at 08:38 AM. Reason: Rule 7 added
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