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Old 04-27-2012, 01:58 PM
bluebirds bluebirds is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 27
Default Do Something Besides Complain!

I too, like just about everyone on this board, have no use for CC. I too am also tired of Mr. Williams depressing attacks. Every time he says something about CC he brings out some current or much older piece of garbage that they foisted on the public with their phony auctions.
Bitching is fine Mr. Williams but all it does is let off steam with no positive end result. Why don't you DO SOMETHING POSITIVE like start a class action lawsuit or contact government agencies in PA or the Feds and have them go after them? You'd find plenty of support on this board.
You seem obsessed with them so why not take real action and get rid of those parasites and make a real contribution instead of your serio-"comedic" attacks that have accomplished little if anything?

Martin Green
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