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Old 05-17-2012, 10:24 PM
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thekingofclout thekingofclout is offline
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Originally Posted by Splinte1941 View Post
If the following gets me banned, so be it...

Scott, you might be the biggest attention whore I've read on this board, and granted I haven't been here long.

A vast majority of your posts just screams, "Look at me!! Look what I have!! Look what I won!! Look look look look look!!"

Dude, no one gives a shit. I understand what this site is all about, but you just rub me the wrong way. A lot of self aggrandizing bullshit if you ask me. And I know you didn't ask, but I'm offering anyway.

Thanks. And for those who quietly agree with me, you're welcome.
Boy, am I late to the party or what?! Some of you may remember that a couple years ago, I too had a jerk-off, make that a jake-off, much similar to this guy, trash me for the many "show your" threads that I had started, as well as sharing many pieces from my collection. Unfortunately, despite the overwhelming support I received from the board, I've never been able to regain my enthusiasm that I once had and shared.

What does strike me a little odd is, that during the "Live from the Hunts/Ted Williams Auction" thread, Jake posted over 30 times... just on that one thread! And for whatever reason only Jake is aware of, he went back and erased many of them! What gives Jake?

Attention Whore? You have the sack to call Scott an attention whore? Dude. Take a look in the mirror.

You didn't mind all the attention that many of us showered upon you when you showed off with great pride your Ruth/Red Sox Portrait photo you won in Legendary auction. Even going so far as to claim (and I quote) "this is one of the best shots of Ruth in Boston ever" ... Hardly.

Apparently you enjoyed the attention so much so that once you got the photo framed you immediately posted a new scan of it newly framed for all to see and envy. Maybe you were sensitive and we hurt your fragile feelings because nobody gushed with any more "WOW. WHAT A GREAT RUTH PHOTO! YOU ARE SO AWESOME TO HAVE WON IT! WOW JAKE THAT'S SO FRIGGIN AWESOME. CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE A BIGGER SCAN SO I CAN SAVE IT FOR MY SCREEN SAVER? BTW... WHAT A GREAT PHOTO YOU HAVE. YOU'RE SUCH A STUD JAKE. MAN I WISH I HAD THAT PHOTO!"

Jeez... you are some piece of work.

You really picked on the wrong guy in Scott. Nobody, and I mean Nobody brings more to the memorabilia side than Scott Garner. Scott is also not only a friend but one of the finest Gentlemen that I have even known, as evidence to such in how he chose to handle this matter.

Me, on the other hand, I'm an asshole. Always have been. No matter how hard I try not to be, I just can't help myself. At least I know what I am. You, clearly are in the dark. Let me turn on the light for you Jake... You're an asshole.

With warm regards, Jimmy Catanzaro

BTW... I'm just an old disabled man and had to miss the National for the last few years due to not being able to travel. But, the thought of you actually meeting up with my friend Ben (Big Ben as we call him) face to face, sounds just to good to miss! I may have to try and figure out a way to get there... and I'm serious. Those of you who have met Ben, are now nodding their head in agreement.

Last edited by thekingofclout; 05-18-2012 at 02:27 AM.
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