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Old 05-18-2012, 01:09 PM
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Richard Simon
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Originally Posted by David Atkatz View Post
Are you and your little lap-dog joined at the hip? Or is it just that he has his nose so far up your butt you think he's part of you?

You, Richard--not Chris--were the one who "alerted" me. (In your nasty, snide, smarmy way.) Not coming right out and saying it, of course, but just using your sarcastic little bits of innuendo. Something you can always be proud of.

And yes, Jodi is the expert (I wouldn't call him an authenticator; I've never seen him selling CoAs) I respect the most. He, unlike you, has never been bounced out of a court of law, as the judge ruled that you don't posses "sufficient skill, knowledge or experience in the fields in which [you] were asked to render opinions."

I wonder. Did you refund your "expert witness" fee?

So vulgar David, what a bitter little man you are. Can't you at least stop the vulgarity.
The judge ruled that in the state of Indiana the testimony of a non scientifically trained person could not be admitted as testimony. The defense lawyer should have known this but he did not. Based on Indiana law all the FDE's that we complain about here would have their testimony admitted in court. Strange, I know, but that is the law in that state.
My testimony was accepted in a NY State court, in Nassau County, which does not have the same law as in Indiana.
I guess it does not compare to a survey of students who deemed you to be among the worst professors in the college you were teaching in, but it is something to be considered.
And Jody worked for an authentication company he did not sell his own COA's. They regarded him as an authenticator. And I don't know if he was ever asked to testify in a court case, so we cannot say his testimony was bounced.
And Jodi, sorry to bring you into this again, but maybe you should have asked David not to mention you again, like you asked me. I did try to oblige you but I had to answer the query.
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Last edited by RichardSimon; 05-18-2012 at 01:29 PM.
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