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Old 05-22-2012, 07:32 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
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Originally Posted by bowlingshoegiverouterguy View Post
I personally don't remember those vending machines showing up until the late 80's and the vending cases were printed much earlier than that.

It sure would be nice to now how and why these vending cases were made. Did Topps have vending machine that they controled and sent out to hold the cards, otherwise seems strange that they would package the cards such as this with out having a way of knowing they would sell as vending cases.

It wasn't til the late 80's when I started seeing vending machines that offered sportscards and they were made by independent companies.

I think it would be fun to know the exact reason why vending cases were made. Is there a forum that is heavy into Topps?

The one at a K mart I mentioned above would have been 74-77.

The machines could sell other stuff in the folders, so they weren't always card vending machines, and I'm pretty sure weren't controlled by Topps.

Typically someone would buy the machine, either a store owner or more often a person or company that operated the machines. The machine operator would find places to set the machines up and the owner of the location would get a cut, usually 50%.

A difficult business to get into, as most operators guarded their territory somewhat agressively. By the late 70's many of the same places were doing videogames too. And some operators had ....ahem... connections.

Most of the gumball machine trinkets etc came from wholesalers, and they were probably the primary customers for vending boxes.

I remember going to a wholesaler with dad to get prizes for a church fair game. A whole business built on thousands of plastic kazoos, spider rings, etc.
They're still out there. One of the card shops I used to go to had a primary business of selling that sort of stuff.

Somewhere I have an empty vending box from the 60's. I've wondered sometimes if the vending companies were the reason behind smaller cards in 57.

Steve B
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