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Old 02-28-2017, 11:05 AM
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Scott All.en
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Detroit
Posts: 607

Originally Posted by KMayUSA6060 View Post

Sorry, but if you can't appreciate and enjoy baseball as it has been for over 100 years, then the sport isn't for you. Instead, I have a sport where thugs and criminals get to have a train wreck collision for 11 minutes every Sunday, while you sit and watch those "11 minutes of action" for 3-4 hours.

I will never understand the need in this country to ruin and take away what other people enjoy, just because they can't appreciate it or don't like it.

I'm really starting to hate Manfred.
But the point is that the game ISN"T the same as it has been for over 100 years.
This graph says it all. This is NOT the same game our grandparents watched. What the hell is going on to make the game last over an hour longer than when it was the #1 sport in America? You would think games were 12 innings today, not 9.

And again, IBB's are not the cause. It's the over-coaching and constant time-outs, whether caused by excessive visits to the mound by catchers, coaches, and other players, or batters constantly stepping out and adjusting every piece of equipment on their bodies, or 10 minute stoppages every time a new pitcher enters the game. If they would just address these issues, they'd cut at least a 1/2 hour off of every game.

If I were the commissioner:
1. A pitching coach would not be allowed to visit the mound unless he's removing the pitcher. And I'd eventually make it a rule that pitching changes would be called from the dugout, and the manager would be allowed maybe one visit to the mound per game. If you're going to use 4 pitchers a game I want to make the transition from one pitcher to the next as seamless as possible to keep the flow of the game moving. I'd also limit the number of warm-up pitches the new pitcher is allowed. You already warmed up in the bullpen. Get in there and go!

2. Catchers would get 1 visit to the mound per inning.

3. Infielders would not be allowed to call time out for a strategy session at the mound. Or maybe 1 per game at most.

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