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Old 11-18-2013, 07:08 AM
thedutymon thedutymon is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 42
Default 3 Channels


I was 7 and still remember it, was sent home from school and I remember my Dad got home from work shortly after (He was sent home). I remember how angry he was..............years later I figured out why that was, it wasn't of course just because the President had been killed, he was his Brother in a sense, my Dad fought in WWII and Korea, and to him Kennedy was part of a as they say, a Band of Brothers although of course they never met....he was still part of his select group with a shared experience. I also remember how happy and elated he was when Oswald got smoked!!!

For three days we did nothing but watch TV, all 3 channels, that's all there was.

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