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Old 09-22-2010, 02:09 PM
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JasonL JasonL is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: The Eastern Seaboard
Posts: 581
Default Baseball is doing fine. BUT...

it could use more fights.
the sissy fights that break out are an embarassment. If there was a return to the hard-nosed tough-guy stuff circa the deadball era ballgames, we might have more interest in it. The friendly pushing that goes on is draining the competitive fire from the game, and is a direct result of the money and free agency dissolving any real hardcore rivalries.

I guarantee that if we saw a few fights each year like the hurt that Eddie Mathews put on Frank Robinson in 1959(I think ?) after a slide into third base, this sport would get a bump...

I don't condone violence, per se, but I'm just saying the "edginess" is missing/gone.
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