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Old 12-15-2015, 06:15 PM
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1880nonsports 1880nonsports is offline
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Default the redemption offer

on the sign replicates the verbiage for redemption found on more than one series of Buchner cards (or the other way around!). It references CARDS and Finest and Bravest BRANDS.
The backs of the gold coin cards mention a WRAPPER redemption for a valuable prize (none mentioned).
The sign says all CARDS accepted suggesting the "wrappers" for the GC cards weren't included. Logically though as the issues were produced nearly simultaneously (with respect to those containing the offering) and considering I'm unaware of other redemption offers exclusive to the GC "wrappers", and it wasn't uncommon for a company to at times allow redemptions into successive promotions - for now I'll guess one could redeem either :-) Of note is the tremendous expense the companies had begun to assume with these redemption offers. This kind of thing became so popular that acceptance centers had to be opened to handle the volume. The companies also had to increase their advertising of it and come up with better and better "stuff".
Last detail - the actual Defenders and Offenders inserts were FOLDERS and had only a redemption offer for the album.
BTW - I have a decent example of the "finest" bronze mantle clock (as do at least two other board members). Let's just say "BRONZE" was perhaps a bit of poetic license.

If time allows I'll work on a better answer...........

Edited to add
Despite helping Josh in a transaction with my friend Glen and Spike Lee as well as pushing a deal or two his way - I have yet to get a copy of an auction catalog. Two emails, three in person requests...... With SO MANY auctions to pay attention to - I gave up. Only saw the auction after an earlier post here and noted the sign. I think I recognize it as something a board member had behind his table at the national 3(?) years ago. It's REALLY close to being in my wheelhouse but these things are expensive and difficult to restore so I passed.

Last edited by 1880nonsports; 12-15-2015 at 06:26 PM.
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