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Old 05-10-2011, 09:53 AM
Brianruns10 Brianruns10 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 343

Hi All,

thanks so much for the replies. To give more details, at this point I'm shooting for PSA 6 as a baseline. I've an eye to start a registry set, though ultimately I buy the card, not the plastic. I'm about centering, colour, alignment, and while i'd surely buy a PSA 7 or 8 if the price were right, I'd take a PSA 5 with nice centering and eye appeal over an off centered 7 any day.
But my budget most of the time allows for cards in the 5 or 6 range, and I'm looking forward to upgrading the set in the future...I don't want completing this set to be the end, but only the beginning, with the lifetime goal of building a master set, and then, depending on how successful I am in life, go after building one of the best sets.

But in the meantime, PSA 6 is the baseline, so getting a high card in PSA 6 would fit in better...but I'm also trying to be cognizant of where my money is best spent. I do this hobby because I love it, but I'm not about to throw away money either, and resale value and potential return on my initial investment are things I always consider, which was why I was contemplating if a common card in PSA 8 might be a better expenditure than a rare, high number PSA 6.

thanks again!

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