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Old 08-17-2002, 05:23 PM
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Default As Charlton Heston Said

Posted By: Marty

What I do not understand is the union concept. In labor unions that I know about, the catcher should get one wage, the right fielder a wage, starting pitcher a wage and so on. Without a union, they should be able to negotiate individial contracts, which is what they do now with a union, I do not understand. In 1994, some players had contracts that caused them to be paid by the owners even during a strike. I would bet that more players have that clause now. Several years ago, they got $75.00 per day meal money, I do not know what it is now. Endorsements and autograph shows both add to their income. Their playing career may be short and then they will have to fall back on the degree that they got in college to live on, which I hear is the most important thing about college athletics. Charles Barkley said that he got his degree in rebounding.
What difference does it make to an employee what the company earns, only what they earn. Maybe they shoud be paid for games that they win more that for games that they lose, would they try harder?

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