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Old 08-27-2018, 09:24 AM
mr2686 mr2686 is offline
Mike Rich@rds0n
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Ca
Posts: 3,175

The late 60's and through the 70's I bought a lot of packs from a corner grocery/liquor store called Sam and Sally's in Alhambra Calif. To the best of my recollection, neither my friends nor I realized that the cards were released by series...we should have known, but the lightbulb just never went on. It's funny remembering back to 74 when my friend Jeff and I were trying to get the whole set, and both needed Stargell. We bought a heck of a lot of packs, but never found him. I guess knowing he was in the first series would have helped us quite a bit. LOL
One other favorite moment was in the mid 70's, when our local "major" grocery store started carrying baseball wax. For some reason they would sell them for 5 cents instead of 10. Nothing better for a kid than to be able to buy twice as much!!
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