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Old 06-02-2016, 02:52 PM
JRDill JRDill is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 24


I went to the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, a private baptist school in Belton, TX. No Greek life there for sure. However, a group of guys got together and started the "Christian Brotherhood" (which sounded awfully close to a terrorist group), or "ABC." It was awful. The first experience I had with them was reading in my apartment after "quiet hours" with my window open, and hearing them yell and chant with their initiations in my parking lot. After a couple of "hey guys, do you mind? I'm trying to study" moments I finally called campus police. They got really harsh with backlash, even stealing my road bike and throwing it into the lake.

So I started "XYZ." We were a watch group that set out to expose Alpha Beta Ceta and all the things they were doing. They were all Christian Ministry students that did not live the life of a young minister would. They threw crazy parties off campus every week, underage drinking, even at one point (they're downfall) was raising money for a mission trip, thousands of dollars, that they used to go snowboarding in Colorado with.

It was pretty awesome. We created a brotherhood that was brought together by protecting the image of our faith, and we did it well. Unfortunately it lead to a few students getting expelled in their senior year. But yeah, creating a Greek life was pretty fun!
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