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Old 10-18-2007, 04:05 PM
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Default How Long Before Hedge Funds Control The Rare Card Market?

Posted By: Fred C


yes I remember those great 80's (and before). I remember picking up the entire semi-high 52T series (minus Mays) for about $400 in really NICE condition (almost pack fresh). I'm not so naive to think things will ever go back to those days but it'd be nice to see prices again from just 6-7 years ago.


you're right, there are quite a few collectors that have spent well $1K (and well over that amount) on cards that wouldn't want to see the prices dump but I'm one that has spent a few dollars on this stuff and if it all dumped tommorrow I wouldn't care. Sure, I'd lose money on the paper side of it (excuse the pun) but I'd be able to pick up the pieces a lot more inexpensively over the long run if the stuff takes a dump.


That could make for a fun comedy - I guess you get a couple of "geeky" looking dudes that are stock traders and show them eating up Wall Street. To use a line I've heard on the board before one of the guys could be at a bar and ask some girl if she wanted to see his Polar Bear Johnson.

Ok, the guys don't have to be total geeks. We are geeks, aren't we? Does anyone ever remember telling someone about their cardboard collection many years ago only to see the other person look at you like you were strange? Well, I guess today it's different. Today, you tell someone how much some of this stuff is worth and they think differently about it. I kind of liked it when it was a more sheltered hobby.

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