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Old 10-24-2006, 06:50 PM
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Default Southern California Sports Club in the 1970s

Posted By: barrysloate

No question higher values and more publicity brought cards out of the attic, but were these very rare cards still undiscovered in the 1970's? Was there a cache a Four Base Hits sitting in a cigar box unknown to the collecting world? I was fortunate in my early days in the hobby, mostly the 1980's and early 90's, to buy maybe a couple of dozen original family collections. But virtually every one contained primarily T205, T206, maybe a few t210, small groups of e-cards- but nobody every offered me a shoebox of Yum Yum's. Have any oldtime collectors- Mark Macrae or anyone else- ever found cards of that magnitude in a shoebox find? I remember Ron Oser's great Kalamazoo Bats find in the 1980's, an N321 find sometime later, but that's one or two in twenty years. I believe most of the rare cards known today were known in the 1970's, and some collectors had them- but nobody seemed to offer them for sale. Again, go back to the hobby publications from 25 years ago and notice that virtually nothing rare and exotic was being offered.

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