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Old 07-03-2018, 02:24 PM
packs packs is offline
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Originally Posted by earlywynnfan View Post
Unless I'm mistaken, felons are allowed to play major league baseball.

Since baseball may not work out for him, what about acting in movies? Being a TV game show host? Professional wrestler? Big finance guy on Wall St? Can he become a famous internet personality? Please tell me what the line is on what he can and can't do, and please tell me who gets to choose that for him.

Is he only allowed to make a living at jobs most people aren't envious of? Because that's what I'm hearing. Nobody here has said anything along the lines of "That SOB better not try to be an elementary school teacher/camp counselor/teen coach." Because that makes a hell of a lot more sense, IMHO, than "He'd better not throw a baseball and get rich and famous."

I didn't mean to suggest that he can't play baseball because of what he did. My point was that if what he did keeps him from playing baseball that is something he would have to accept. But there are still plenty of other ways he can be a valued member of society.
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