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Old 10-10-2008, 09:07 AM
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Default The Death of Direct Sales

Posted By: Tom Boblitt

I agree that Palin is probably unqualified for where she finds herself. I find it odd though that people are pushing her lack of meeting foreign dignitaries as something that makes her unqualified.

As a mayor of a small town and governor of Alaska, those were not her job. She wasn't in the position of having to meet them. As mayor & governor, she wasn't in the position of having to study Supreme Court decisions, unless, of course, they affected her job. I don't think everyone has fascination with the Supreme court and I'd bet most people here would be hard-pressed to name 5 of the Justices to begin with....

I think another problem she faces is that all the 'handlers' probably have her scared to death to say anything about anything. She absolutely sucked in the Katie Couric interview. Plain & simple. She was probably also calculating on what people would say if she said 'Newsweek', or 'Wall Street Journal' or etc. I can't believe she couldn't rattle off even some miniscule lie about some paper. If so, then she DOES need to go home.

She did a fantastic job in the debate. Even watching NBC, they had 3 female commentators on after the debate and all 3 said she won--2 of which were democrats.

McCain did a terrible disservice to himself in giving in to whomever picked Sara Palin. It wasn't him. With Tim Kane or Mitt Romney, he'd have had a much better chance.

I think the statement above about McCain focusing on issues, not Obama, is the best solution. That's the only way he can win. Although there are a myriad of issues in Obama's past like Wright, Flagler, Tony Resco, Ayers, the fact that NO ONE from his days in college will comment on him nor are any of his papers available, etc, McCain CANNOT win with that argument. People are starry-eyed when discussing Obama. They see past all the questions.

At this point, I don't see McCain with a chance to win. I can only hope that Obama flip flops like someone says on the tax issues.......whoever wins is going to have an incredibly tough job ahead of them..........

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