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Old 06-05-2014, 09:31 AM
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Brandon Raber
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Posts: 120

Originally Posted by ezez420 View Post
My view is I don't care what would be done with the cards after they were paid for.

But the fact that you state you don't have the money yet try to sell to obtain the money shows dishonesty. And if you can't sell you would likely back out or request more time to pay.
I understand your apprehension but I just believe that if you agree to a deal for X amount of time you should allow X amount of time to pass before canceling the deal. Withdrawing from a deal for "could haves" or "might nots" just doesn't strike me as the right thing to do. Unless the Buyer did something to void the contract (which doesn't sound like the case here) I would feel obligated. Suppose this was eBay and the buyer requested more time to pay? Would you have leniency then? If you did and noticed they created a listing for the card at double what you were asking would you refuse to sell them it? Assuming the buyer paid, you would be eventually obligated to complete the deal. Talking about the buyers actions as right or wrong doesn't have anything to do with your deal.

Suppose I agree to sell a stained but valuable card to a board member and later I hear through another board member that the buyer plans on taking my card to have its stains removed and sell it for double what I'm asking. The fact that I don't agree with the buyers actions or view them as immoral doesn't change the fact that we have an agreement. I would still be obligated to sell them the card based upon our original agreement. If I didn't like the buyers actions I would blackball them immediately following the sale and agree to never sell to them again which is what I would do in your current scenario.
Currently seeking Sovereign 350 series backs.
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