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Old 04-01-2011, 10:10 PM
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Jaybird Jaybird is offline
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Default just one other point

I'm going to bring up a point since it hasn't been made yet (I don't think).

There is a bit of a gamble here that is in play. The pictures aren't great, no closeups of the big lots, can't even make out the wording on the names of the cards. So, when people are tossing in their bids, they have a bit of a gambler aspect to them. The "hey, if there's one rarity in there..." feeling.

I don't think you get that with full disclosure, auction house listing and time.

So, just keep that in mind. I think the speed and way that these have been unfolded might seem haphazard but actually have a bit of finesse deeper than it appears at first sight.

This kind of find attracts its own attention and excitement beyond what an auction creates. People want a piece of a big find and hope to unearth a rarity. An auction house would clearly examine and define and bring that rarity to the forefront.

If every lot has the possibility of containing that rarity, wouldn't they sell higher than a defined and known entity? Wonka is right in that each lot would probably sell higher in an auction if you look at the surface, but if one card in every lot is a golden ticket, doesn't that change the game?

Steve's no dummy, though, so I'm sure these lots have been through examination and even he says that most of the money has been made "off-line" through local sales. He's a good salesman and knows what he has.
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