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Old 03-16-2013, 06:25 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2,223

thats the dumbest analogy ever.

when the violators arre already caught, not AT LARGE. It's not liek we dont know fo the psa and jsa screwups, they have been caught, proven and turned in. Just not prosecuted fairly like the rest.

case in point.

you catch two guys robbing the store,

one white, one black, you bring them in, they book the black guy and let the white guy go.

now does your analogy hold up?

what you are saying is that we cant catch the psa or jsa screwups so lets let them all go.

but we already caught them and reported them, its just that its selective ENFORCEMENT, not the fact that we cant catch them all so let's let the ones we do catch go. We DID catch psa and jsa, its just that its ebay picking winners and losers.

I don't think you would have the same attitude if they delisted the psa and jsa fakes and kept the drew max fakes up? you wouldnt have a problem with that? It all comes down to whose ox is being gored. Just give me a good reason why psa and jsa fakes that have been proven to be fake deserve to remain up. you can't because you you like it that way. You like psa and jsa fakes. If you didn't , you would demand they come down the same as the rest.

a fake is a fake is a fake. These fakes are being laid right at ebays doorstep, they just choose to ignore some because of their cozy relationships.

So it's good i am not in law enforcement because I don't practive selective enforcement of the law? law enforcements job is to serve justice, which is suppose to be blind. two violators violating the same statute deserve equal treatment and justice under the law. not look one way for one and book the other. when the DA's brother in law gets his traffic ticket dismissed, when others have to pay, then that's a problem. But I guess you don't have a problem with that. I have had an EMR ask me for all the non psa and jsa fakes. what the heck is that? why protect companies who screwup and certify fakes. why are their fakes golden and something we shouldn't talk about and take proactive action with? Sacred cows for $$$$$$$$$$$$, power and other considerations in return for shutting up.

Last edited by travrosty; 03-16-2013 at 06:40 PM.
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