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Old 10-29-2020, 01:01 PM
tedzan tedzan is offline
Ted Zanidakis
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pennsylvania & Maine
Posts: 10,053
Default T206 Eddie Plank story

Hey guys,

Well, I am going to repeat here (for those who have not heard this before) what I've mentioned about this subject
several times in the past on this forum. The Plank card is a unique oddity in the T206 set. Here is how it starts......

As I've mentioned above (Post #1080) and numerous times in the past, Eddie Plank disdained any form of tobacco.
He informed ATC that he did not want his image on their Tobacco card. I researched all this years ago, including a
conversation with a Philadelphia lawyer, who informed me that you needed only a "cease and desist" order in 1909
to prevent your image from appearing on anything that offended you. Plank is depicted on numerous E-type Candy
cards during that period. The only other Tobacco card he appears on is the 1909 Ramly. At the end of his Major Lge.
career (circa 1916) he's featured in the T216 Tobacco cards (KOTTON, MINO, VIRGINIA EXTRA brands). These were
not ATC brands. The images on these card are from the printing firm which produced the E90-type cards.

The T206 Plank card cannot be referred to as a "150/350" card since it was NOT printed with any combination of
EPDG, OLD MILL, PIEDMONT 350, SOVEREIGN, TOLSTOI backs (as are most 150/350 subjects). The Plank card is
indeed a 150-only subject. Plank was on the same sheet that the famous Gretzky Wagner was cut from.

American Lithographic printing the Plank card with the SWEET CAP 350 Factory #30 back is most likely the result of
ATC's desire to continue featuring Plank in the T206 set. Plank was very popular by 1908. In his first 8 years he had
167 victories (a remarkable average of 21 games Won per season).

I could continue with more stuff regarding my research into the T206 Plank, however I think enough said for now. I
have more important things to attend to today, than my repetition of stories that I've said before on this forum.


T206 REFERENCE....convenient access to T206 checklists

Last edited by tedzan; 10-30-2020 at 08:29 PM. Reason: Corrected typos.
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