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Old 03-11-2010, 11:36 AM
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ChiefBenderForever ChiefBenderForever is offline
Johnny S
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Lost in Connecticut
Posts: 1,261

Sounds like you have a great opportunity to have something successful. To get things going smoothly I would have the tables as low priced as possible. Remember many of the dealers will have to stay in hotels, food , ect. So a small fee would give them more room to wheel and deal with the collectors. And even if they don't, collectors will have some good stuff to look at. From what I have read about the Philly shows they used to be great but now charge so much for tables many dealers don't even go. By charging a small admission fee you could try to make some money on concessions. If you make it a reasonble and friendly experience it could go well and grow. I just moved to the area and am not that far away, I hope it works out I would love to attend and hopefully pick up a few nice cards !
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