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Old 01-10-2018, 07:44 AM
silvor silvor is offline
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 159

Originally Posted by thetruthisoutthere View Post
The problem is that Ebay does not allow sellers to Neg buyers or they might think twice about leaving a seller Negative Feedback.
I buy and sell various hobby related stuff on ebay. I think the sellers brought this on themselves in some ways. I bought a tape recorder advertised as "great condition" back when sellers could leave negative feedback. When I opened it, it smelled like horrible smoke, all except one light was burned out and the reverse function on the deck didn't work. So, I asked to send the item back (this was before the whole dispute process). He told me no. Just absolutely refused to do anything. What could I do except leave negative feedback? Thing is, he threatened to leave ME negative feedback.

As a seller now, I sort of figure I need to take returns, I need to describe every little issue and I need to work with the buyers. All that said, I try to sell on Craigslist first.
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