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Old 05-10-2018, 11:56 PM
ls7plus ls7plus is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Southfield, Michigan
Posts: 1,765

A card can be the correct size and still be trimmed. Back in the '90's, there used to be several fairly well-known dealers whose specialties were putting somewhat worn but uncreased cards through a paper press, making them a bit larger, then cutting them back down to size, leaving them with sharp corners. In essence, selling EX cards as NrMt-MT. This scam pretty much ended when PSA gained wide-spread acceptance, and it became known by educated collectors and dealers buying raw cards to check the edges with a loupe. Original Topps cards (and I believe the majority of other vintage cards) will have rather rough edges, while one made to appear high-grade by the above method will have razor sharp edges. Many of us learned the hard way by having cards that appeared to at least be "8's" returned ungraded and tagged as "trimmed."

Also beware of raw cards with sharp corners that have a "pinched" appearance at the corners under magnification. They result from the same process, but with only a portion of the card being put through the press to enlarge it before subsequently being cut back down. If you are going to be buying raw cards, buy some cheap commons first and examine the edges with a loupe first to see what they should look like in untampered-with form.

Happy collecting,


Last edited by ls7plus; 05-11-2018 at 12:03 AM.
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