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Old 05-15-2016, 11:39 AM
Duluth Eskimo's Avatar
Duluth Eskimo Duluth Eskimo is offline
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Originally Posted by shelly View Post
What a bunch of crap. Most of you came on here the same way not knowing anything. Now you are experts. Eskimo you have authenticated more stuff that was bad than anyone on this site.
Take a deep breath. He is new but you do not have to jump down his throat.
I don't "authenticate" stuff Shelly. I give an opinion. I don't get paid. I didn't get my "education" on here or from you. I have my own opinions and I am not afraid to give it. I have been buying and selling memorabilia for over 30 years. If you disagree that's one thing, but I am not a forger or a thief at this time or anytime in my past. I have a loud mouth sometimes, but I am not either of those. You may be riding the high horse right now, but you may want to STFU.
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