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Old 02-15-2017, 10:36 AM
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ooo-ribay ooo-ribay is offline
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If you guys are like me, part of your joy in collecting is discovering the "story" behind your items...

First, like I said, I had always assumed many teams did these schedule lighters. While doing some quick research, I found out a few things...after WW II, one of Japan's new industries was producing cheap lighters. Vulcan was one of these brands and they could be bought for $3/dozen (25 cents apiece). The Vulcans and other Japanese advertising lighters were all modeled after the USA made and more expensive Ronson Adonis. Of the lighters I own, all are Vulcans, with the exception of two 1958 Slik Lites, one 1959 Sapphire and a Brother Lite from 1970.

I am still wondering who would have printed/engraved these. In any given year, the schedules will be exactly the same in font and style yet any number of businesses would have their own logo, etc. on the other side. I'm kind of theorizing maybe there was just one company in SF doing these. Maybe the companies knew these were available every year and put in their orders? These lighters could be a pretty effective advertising means in that a 1-2 pack a day smoker would pull the lighter out 20-40 times a day.
if you can help with SF Giants items (no cards), let me send you my wantlist!
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