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Old 05-09-2018, 06:15 AM
mainemule mainemule is offline
Scott Smith
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Central Maine
Posts: 257

Originally Posted by Hankphenom View Post
Hi Scott,
I am the aforementioned grandson, and want to welcome you to this fabulous forum that provides so much to so many. I'm amazed, but not surprised, at how your little individual item post has generated so much thoughtful commentary ranging from the specific to some of the biggest issues in the hobby.
Hank Thomas
...without quoting your entire response Hank, thank you for your thoughtful and thorough comments. I really appreciate that you took the time to pen (type ) this insight on this thread.

I should have more thoroughly researched this item. I am pretty savvy on internet research and Ebay but I was eager to get "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" in order to decide whether to complete the purchase or not. Shame on me for not doing my full due diligence, however, I am now checking these forums so maybe I've found a new place to reconnect with fellow vintage hobbyists.

My big excitement in life is tomorrow I am going to the new Yankee Stadium to see the Sox at Yanks. I'm a lifelong Sox fan (age 51) who has seen them in many other parks so this is bucket-list stuff. Also seeing Springsteen on Broadway so it will be a weekend for the ages.

Thanks again Hank! I can only imagine the family stories (and perhaps memorabilia) that belong to you and your family.

All my best......
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