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Old 09-29-2017, 08:09 PM
Posts: n/a

2) If this is about the Constitution, then can you please show me where in the Constitution it states who these rights are and are not extended to?

They are extended to all, in theory. It's the lack of execution of these rights that's in question

- Why aren't these athletes protesting the violence in the south side of Chicago, that just recorded its 500th official homicide of 2017 this past weekend?
Can't answer that but unsure of the relevance as it relates to this issue?

- If these minorities/people of color were truly oppressed, why is 68% of the NFL and 74% of the NBA black? These athletes are representing the other 99.9 of those who aren't professional athletes

- Why is the leader (Colin Kaepernick) of this "movement" a supporter of Fidel Castro, a truly oppressive dictator? No idea, and he's not the leader as far as I know...he just was the first to stick his neck out

- Why don't these athletes - or anyone who feels oppressed by America for that matter - find another country to live in if the US is truly that oppressive?
Or just be uber patriotic and stop watching sports

Last edited by Gobucsmagic74; 09-29-2017 at 08:13 PM.