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Old 03-28-2010, 06:19 PM
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joeadcock joeadcock is offline
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Default Will HEALTH CARE REFORM hurt hobby?

I am writing regarding this because I would like to know opinion of card collectors regarding the effect of HEALTH CARE REFORM on the hobby.

As I work in this field since 1990, I have a direct link to this. I was around in 1993 when MANAGED CARE was going to fix the cost issue. It was a miserable failure, not liked by anyone. Will this new fix work? Speaking without politics involved, I can only use history for an answer. Government involvement in health care has not historically kept cost down. In such an INCREDIBLE expansion of takeover, COSTS CAN ONLY GO UP. I suspect, COSTS WILL SKYROCKET over the next decade.

Therefore, it will hit us all in our ability to afford things, including TRADING CARDS. Over time, this will eat more of the money we have. There is nothing political in this, it is simply historical, and in such a great expansion, it will be magnitudes greater in its effect.

I can tell you that probably the biggest REASON health care had become so expensive was TECHNOLOGY/ADVANCEMENTS and the demand once it was available. REFORM will likely thwart/slow down advancement(due to the money not being there). Now cost will go up due to sheer numbers of people being insured and more access. Lack of MD's will be a problem also. There is not enough primary care.

As I tell those I see, if you dont believe me, wait. Be patient. It will occur.

Before anyone makes the comment, I am not against some form of Health Care Reform. I am for it, the manner in which it is formed and implemented is the issue.

I hope you good collectors will be able to continue to buy cards, mem., banners, etc. I for one, would like to keep collecting pre war cards for the next 30 years.

If anyone has any thoughts, would be interested.

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