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Old 08-25-2011, 10:30 AM
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iggyman iggyman is offline
I. "Iggy" G0nz@lez
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 943

I'm going to hijack this thread for a little bit, because I think it is related to the original spirit of the post. So the T206 Beaumont is actually a "faded red?????" Is that correct???


Okay then, a couple of questions......

First question, since the T206 Beaumont has an obvious pin-hole, one would assume this card was exposed to light for a longggggg period of time. Would direct light and/or exposure to moisture alone make the red disappear???? Is that even possible??? Or perhaps, it was in a shed with exposure to chemical fumes??? Would fumes alone eliminate the red without impacting any other color???

Second question, when I first saw the card, I assumed that the "red" circle around the pinhole was perhaps caused by a thumbtack, which maybe held this card in a prominent place on a boys bedroom wall. But under a loupe, it is obvious that the red around the pinhole was made at the factory. I made the grand assumption that when originally printed, the red ink was running way low and only printed on that spot (which would make it a bullseye for a kid with a thumbtack), while the rest of the card printed orange. Is this theory even possible (for only a spot on a T206 card to print red while the rest prints orange)???

Any info would be lovely.

Lovely Day...
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