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Old 01-24-2015, 12:21 AM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Originally Posted by GoldenAge50s View Post
Phil--I already said that they probably were on the edge of 12.5 to start with, so any change at all puts them under the min.
Fred, my guess is that most of the people commenting on this situation, are NOT Patriot haters - I'm NFC, so if this were the 49'ers or Eagles I would be biased, but not so here. I kind of like the Patriots and hope there ends up being an honest explanation for this. I respect Brady as a great quarterback who is well-spoken and has a bit more fire than some. And I wouldn't change my level of respect for him if I found out that he did operate on the edge of the rules. But if it turns out that he is lying about this, then all of that changes. We don't know one way or the other yet, so I'll certainly reserve judgement. The truth will come out - I think it's impossible to hide in this case.

Belichek is now a known cheater, but prior to the spying incident with the Jets I had the utmost respect for him. His story is really amazing - a normal guy like any of the rest of us, who turned his love for football into a job, and became possibly the best ever at it. Patriot-hating is not on most people's minds as much as the Pats fans would like to think. You love yourselves a lot more than others hate you.

But to your point - of course the balls were on the edge of 12.5 psi, and even a .1 drop would have technically made it a rules violation. But a 2 psi drop? C'mon.
$co++ Forre$+
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