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Old 01-04-2017, 02:49 PM
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Nick Barnes
Join Date: May 2016
Location: South Mississippi
Posts: 757

Originally Posted by earlywynnfan View Post
Steve Garvey??
hahaha! nice!

I was thinking more along the lines of Adam Dunn, but your's works too!

That's the thing with fielding % it really doesn't tell us much about how good a defender a player is. Let us compare 2 SS's from 2016 :

Player A had a fielding % of .991

Player B had a fielding % of .982

if that's all we looked at one would say player A was the better defender, BUT!

Player A had 180 put outs and 389 assists (along with 86 double plays) in 1163 innings with 5 errors with 3 defensive runs saved and an ultimate zone rating per 150 games of 11.4

Player B had 198 put outs,337 assists and 76 double plays in 1045 innings with 10 errors with 18 defensive runs saved and a UZR/150 of 25.1

so, upon a deeper dive into the numbers we see that Player B had a far better defensive year than Player A with 15 more DRS in 118 less innings.

(Player A is Jose iglesias, Player B is Andrelton Simmons)

remember UZR and DRS account for positioning at the start of the play, range covered and the % chance that play is made (they are put in tranches based on %)

For an even more eye opening expose' of the mediocrity of fielding %, career SS rating since 1871 have Troy Tulowitski #1 with a career fielding % of .985 Ozzie Smith is 14th with a .978 (behind Cal Ripken! lol)
"The large print giveth and the small print taketh away."- Tom Waits

Last edited by bravos4evr; 01-04-2017 at 02:49 PM.
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